Our Mission Statement:
Our goal is to create capable critical thinkers who make good decisions that improve successful outcomes on the fireground. To eliminate robot mindsets, ensure confidence, and create a permanent auto-awareness in every engine/truck firefighter, company and chief officer.
We must create reliable and capable firefighters who have the instinct and ability to prioritize and perform the numerous fireground tasks, often at times working alone.
There’s “Death by PowerPoint” and there’s effective presentations that don’t regurgitate irrelevant, repetitive useless information which doesn’t benefit the attendees.
Make it worth their time and as close to beneficial as a realistic HOT on an acquired structure with the abolishment of NFPA 1403 ( 🤘)
Using real video, numerous pics, actual experiences and earned street credit (over text) are the foundation.
Bringing the hood, the fireground and the kitchen table to the audience is effective and provides realistic useful information benefiting those from the probie to the Chief.
Delivery of original and relevant information is key 🔑 Suggesting additional and alternative tactics that apply to the real world fire ground is ethical, as opposed to “blowing smoke up their ass” blasting them w repetitive safety statements and shit they already know OR that’s not relevant to where they work..
It’s important to emphasize that there’s more than one way to do things and there are many different variations of departments, manpower, infrastructure, workloads, water supplies, tactics etc..
“No, you’re not a shitty fireman or lazy just because you don’t do things our way."
We don’t roll like that..
Preach encouragement, motivation, and the seriousness of the job to those who want to be there and promote #successfuloutcomes They are always the end goal.
It’s only successful if it’s realistic and only rewarding when all firefighters are 💯 satisfied.
The @urbanfiretraining custom courses aren’t some academy designed or generic program fed to everyone, they’re created based on relevancy, manpower, region, infrastructure, and 🔥 job potential. It needs to have an impact..
We are #TheUrbanArmy
Contact us to schedule for 2024 @urbanfiretraining
Urban Fire Training- Est 2011
The job description of a fireman includes more than just putting water on fire and throwing ladders despite public perception. The duties can expand way beyond just fire suppression. Firemen respond to medical emergencies, vehicle extrication, elevator rescue, alarms, gas leaks, water/ice rescues, electrical, transformer, manhole fires, water conditions, high angle rescue, train fires, derailments, trench rescue, machinery rescue, confined space, technical rescue, tunnel fires, building collapses and forcible entry calls. Additionally, they have to be trained as drivers, pump operators, tillermen, and in some departments paramedics/EMT’s.
Keeping up on the training it takes to be proficient in all these areas can be a challenge for part-time, career or volunteer firemen who have other careers or lack of resources such as proper equipment, training facilities, municipal funds, insufficient manpower or lack of information available to them. New firemen and company officers will need to think outside the box and prepare themselves to handle and mitigate a broad variety of emergencies, incidents, and high risk/low frequency events.
Our content is simply used as a convenient training tool consisting of actual incident and training videos, research, opinion, and on the job experience. We offer an additional and alternative method of training as opposed to numerous handouts, multiple edition books, time consuming video searches and eight hour lectures requiring travel. With new technology such as Smart TVs, IPads and IPhones, combined with thousands of live incidents being recorded and uploaded on the internet, training content is more available and valuable these days.
Urban fire departments respond to emergencies at train stations, airports, subways, tunnels, bridges, hospitals, schools, jails, churches, vacant properties, parking garages, service stations, switch stations, waterways, public housing, buildings under construction, high-rises, industrial area warehouses, factories, government buildings and arenas.
Firemen will be dealing with incidents involving elevators, escalators, HVAC units, helipads, alternative fuel vehicles, solar panels, fire escapes, hazardous structures, crime scenes, fortified properties, various propulsion powered machinery and trains, hazardous materials, and various fire protection systems. We need to be as knowledgeable and best prepared as possible.
MER (Mechanical Equipment Room) EMR (Elevator Machine Room)
AHU (Air Handling Unit)
PG (Parking Garage)
FDC (Fire Department Connection)
CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas)
CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute)
PRD (Pressure Restricting Device)
PRV (Pressure Reducing Valve)
PCD (Pressure Control Devices)
Preparing For High Risk, Low Frequency Incidents. Thinking Outside The Box. Mind Triggering.
Photo locations: Trenton NJ, Bronx NY, King of Prussia PA, Norristown PA, Hamilton NJ.
We are not affiliated with any fire departments, fire academies, government agencies or certified instructor curriculum. Our content is NOT intended for hiring, promotional exams or SOG/SOP’s. This content is stored and used for the creators training, and is constantly changing with new discoveries, studies, technology.
Urban Fire Training: For Firemen Serving Urban, Suburban, and Metropolitan Communities.
This course goes beyond just highrise fires. With less time devoted to the obvious building construction and incident command, the course will focus on the following:
Wind-driven fires, elevator operations, size up, residential vs commercial strategy and tactics, ventilation, search and evacuation, roof operations, attached occupanices, adjacent properties, underground parking areas, utility penthouses, air handlers, storage areas, methane, propane and CO releases, stack effect, and fires in the subdivision.
This course prepares the new firefighter and company officer to mitigate various incidents involving a highrise building. Additional UL studies, NIST and LODD case studies will be reviewed and discussed.
Custom extended courses covering machinery and elevator extrication, high-angle rope rescue and hazmats can be requested.
This course will cover strategy and tactics during fires involving auto body shops, auto repair shops and filling stations. This class will focus on burning vehicles at gas pumps, on hydraulic lifts inside the structure, propane tank ruptures/leaks, structure fires, and the various hazardous materials present at these fires.
Also, to quell the many myths out there involving fire and explosions, a brief overview of the many safety features at filling stations will be covered.
Fires in basements kill more firefighters than any other area of the structure. This course will include basements, cellars, and sub-cellars, covering initial size up, floor stability, floor and building construction, support systems, renovated structures, urban vs suburban basements, living space vs storage, utilities, entanglement/entrapment hazards, forcible entry of Bilco doors and window bars, MAYDAY calls, exterior and interior egress, fire attack, and ventilation options for SFD's, MFD's, taxpayers, and garden apartments.
In addition, the critical role of the pro-active RIT duty assignments, and making the "go" or "no go" decision to advance over the fire and down the stairs.
Using UL studies, real basement fire incidents involving close calls and LODD"s; This course is a must for every interior firefighter.
This course will help prepare firefighters and company officers handle various emergencies involving high speed commuter rail, passenger trains and light rail service. Rapid transit is common in urban, suburban and metropolitan areas transporting thousands of commuters every hour.
Fire departments must prepare for passenger car and locomotive train fires, transit bus fires (CNG, Hybrid) extrications, pins, and other various emergencies on rail property.
It’s critical that ALL firefighters understand the dangers involving catenary, third rail, and diesel-electric propulsion in electrified territory and tactical considerations for train fires involving tunnels, bridges, elevated platforms, subways, and adjacent rail properties.
Basic train anatomy, safety procedures, tunnel ventilation systems, protective systems, proper tools and equipment for rescue incidents, extinguishing agents, and fire attack methods for Class A, B, C fires will be reviewed.
This is a FIRE course for firefighters of all levels that concentrates on preparing FIRE departments for various emergencies and proper pre-planning for the types of rapid transit that service their particular district/response area. This course is not intended to make firefighters experts in the mass transit rail industry. It's intended to improve preparedness for the fire service.
January 2019: 'Advanced Rapid Transit Emergencies'
The 3 hour emergency response presentation will expand from suppression and propulsion to an 8 hour advanced "Rescue Company Operations" course.
Course Description: Advanced train anatomy, suspension systems, locomotive and passenger cars specs, lifting, spreading, cutting, stabilization, emergency egress, forcible entry, pin/crush injuries and additional emergency operations involving rapid transit trains and buses. In addition, hybrid, CNG and conventional bus fires will round out this full day course to prepare firefighters for mass transit emergencies.
Book now for spring of 2019
This course will cover strategy and tactics in attics and cocklofts. Not all top floor fires are the same, there are several different types of attics and lofts with different methods of fire attack. From cocklofts in taxpayers and residential suburban storage attics, to urban living space attics in 2 1/2 story wood-frame homes, your on-approach size up indicators will set the stage for your incident action plan. The main focus for this course will be size-up, determining the type of attic from the street, fire attack methods, difficult access, ventilation options and overhaul, the importance of safely checking and extinguishing hidden fire in void space.
This course expands on conventional vehicle fires and hybrids by preparing firefighters for more complicated, dangerous fires. These high risk/low frequency fires involve RV's, food trucks, sanitation vehicles, ambulances, bobtails, trailers, high hazard commercial vehicles, and tankers. Course will also cover the hazards of the modern day motor vehicle, handling burning magnesium, running fuel fires, and AR-AFFF use.
Hotels, Motels, what's the difference? There's a huge difference. This course will focus on motel fires. Building construction and configuration, fire spread, rescue, evacuation, and various fire attack methods are major concerns. If a motel fire is not contained quickly, the building will be a total loss. COMING SOON!
This course will review several difficult to access fires where so many things can go wrong. The company officer will need to improvise, adapt and overcome any obstacles during these rare event fires. Case studies of real incidents will be discussed with class participation and critiques.
New class for new firefighters and new company officers.
Are you ready for Murphy when he shows up at your next emergency?
Prepare to handle the most challenging and complex incidents without tunnel vision or hesitation. How can new or inexperienced firefighters and company officers gain the confidence needed to turn that "oh shit" moment into an "I got this" moment? How can we best prepare for any incident thrown our way on any given tour of duty?
Using the "HERCULES" method of acquired training will give you the confidence and the skill set needed to take on "Murphy's Law" when he shows up and turns your scene into a potential disaster. With every incident being recorded and uploaded to the internet, preparing for these situations are crucial.
Using actual events where so many things can go wrong, and hypothetical complex scenarios, the students will discover how the method is applied to various emergencies, utilizing any number of personnel on-scene regardless of experience or advanced training. Learn how using mind trigger methods and event forecasting can improve performance on the fireground.
Engine Co Operations In Vacant, Abandoned, Hazardous Structures.
Elevators, Trains and Automobiles are types of "transportation" machinery. They are passenger occupied machines that transport millions of passengers every single day. Transportation machinery requires a thorough size-up before any rescue or suppression begins.
Encountering high voltage, flammable gases, malfunctioning equipment, running fuel, and trapped passengers with traumatic injuries are just some of the obstacles firefighters will be faced with when arriving to an emergency involving transportation machinery.
Imagine an overturned RV with passenger entrapment, ruptured propane tanks and fire in the engine compartment. What are your initial actions for a rapid rescue?
Should we even attempt to stabilize an unstable elevator full of passengers with damaged guide rails after a natural gas explosion in an apartment building?
What size up factors should we consider when arriving to a burning passenger train under high voltage lines in electrified territory away from the terminal?
The liability issues of untrained firefighters attempting to perform rescues and suppression around dangerous complex moving machinery must be recognized. Just because the fire department arrives first doesn't mean they alone are responsible for complete mitigation of the incident.
When dealing with various elevators, passenger buses, trucks, CNG vehicles, and high speed passenger trains, a size up is critical. This course will cover the dangers and hazards to mitigate and resources to contact BEFORE rapid rescue, extrication, suppression, or recovery operations begin.
This is a size-up class on dangerous and complex machinery, NOT an operations class.
-This is NOT an 'Elevator Rescue' course.
-This is NOT a 'Mass Transit' course.
-This is NOT a 'Hazmat' Course.
-This is a 'Size-Up' course that will explore hypothetical incidents, discussions and case reviews of actual incidents.
For an excellent course on elevators and machinery, visit Dragon Rescue (Elevators) and PL Vulcan Concepts (Machinery)
Sign up now to be added to a priority list when we announce open enrollment. Class will be limited. Click the link below and 'LIKE' the poster on our Facebook page. Then LIKE the 'Urban Fire Training' page. We will notify you on messenger when date and location announced.
We provide classroom instruction (speaker) at your location. Fire stations, training rooms, fire academies, or auditoriums. We offer 2, 4, 6, and 8 hour instruction.
*For organizations requesting classes/training on the above subjects, presenters/instructors will be officially appearing as guest speakers.
For volunteer companies in NJ, PA, and DE who have budget issues and lack of training opportunities, we offer 2 hour courses if the hosting department makes a $200 donation to their local burn foundation.
For all other volunteer departments, travel expenses only will be acceptable for 2 and 4 hour classroom instruction.
These no cost course offerings are available for a limited time during 2018, and will depend on open available dates in our schedule.
Contact Brian Butler 609-977-7172
There's more than one way to fight a fire, supply water, perform a rescue.
Remember, you're always being filmed and uploaded!
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, and events.